
Author Mikko Haapanen
by Mikko Haapanen·last updated May 28, 2024

Class Size Statistics & Trends: Visualized & Curated [2024]

The typical class size in US public schools is 16-23 students. In the academic year 2020-2021, the mean class size was 18.3 students, a slight decrease from the 2017-2018 average of 19.6 students. These figures represent the mean across both primary…

Histogram of class sizes in US public schools 2020-2021. The most common class size is 19 students. The histogram has roughly a bell curve-like shape.
6 min read

Author Mikko Haapanen
by Mikko Haapanen·last updated Apr 26, 2024

Average Classroom Size (Square Feet/Meters) [2024]

The average size (surface area) of a classroom in the United States is approximately 900 square feet (84 m²). You’ll find most classrooms varying between 700 and 1,100 square feet (65 and 102 m²). These dimensions apply to primary, middle, and high…

Illustration of a school classroom with desks, chairs, and a chalkboard.
16 min read

Author Brooke Ressell
by Brooke Ressell·last updated Mar 1, 2024

Tech Tools That Make Teaching Efficient and More Effective

If there’s one thing modern teachers love, it’s all the impressive tech tools available to them that make teaching both efficient and far more effective than it once was. New tech tools seem to be coming out all the time. Each is designed with a…

A tablet and a phone on a desk.
7 min read

Author Brooke Ressell
by Brooke Ressell·last updated Feb 17, 2024

Classroom Management Strategies: The Ultimate Teacher’s Guide

Do you remember when you first started studying to be a teacher? You put in crazy long hours learning everything there was to know about your subject area, and you tirelessly practiced the art of teaching in a classroom full of your peers. From…

A post-it note stack on a desk with a pen and a few wrinkled notes scattered around.
15 min read

Author Brooke Ressell
by Brooke Ressell·last updated Feb 12, 2024

Seating Charts: The Ultimate Classroom Management Hack

You spent so much time perfecting the day’s lesson plan, but as you look around the room, you notice that chaos has suddenly ensued. Instead of working nicely on their group projects as planned, your students have gotten noticeably loud and wildly…

An empty chalkboard and couple of pieces of chalk.
7 min read

Author Mikko Haapanen
by Mikko Haapanen·last updated Jan 4, 2024

Classroom Seating Chart Templates (Editable)

Once upon a time in a bustling classroom, Ms. Thompson faced a challenge. Her diverse group of students, each with their own learning styles and needs, had to be seated in a way that maximized their learning potential. This is a familiar scenario for…

Seating chart template with six table groups of four.
3 min read